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Automatic Typescript Client Code Generation for NpgsqlRest

Metadata plug-in for the NpgsqlRest library.

Provides support for the generation of the [Typescript files] with interfaces and fetch functions.

The generated Typescript module can be re-generated on every build which effectively gives a static type-checking of your database.


dotnet add package NpgsqlRest.TsClient --version 1.0.0
dotnet add package NpgsqlRest.TsClient --version 1.0.0



    EndpointCreateHandlers = [
        // Configure TsClient Code Gen
        new TsClient(new TsClientOptions
            // Frontend file path
            FilePath = "../Frontend/src/api.ts",
            // Always overwrite
            FileOverwrite = true,
            // Include full host name in URL
            IncludeHost = true,

    // add also CRUD plugin
    SourcesCreated = sources => sources.Add(new CrudSource())
    EndpointCreateHandlers = [
        // Configure TsClient Code Gen
        new TsClient(new TsClientOptions
            // Frontend file path
            FilePath = "../Frontend/src/api.ts",
            // Always overwrite
            FileOverwrite = true,
            // Include full host name in URL
            IncludeHost = true,

    // add also CRUD plugin
    SourcesCreated = sources => sources.Add(new CrudSource())


create table customers (
  customer_id bigint not null PRIMARY KEY, 
  name text NOT NULL, 
  email text NULL, 
  created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL default now()

create function get_latest_customer() 
returns customers 
language sql 
as $$
select * 
from customers
order by created_at dec
limit 1

create function get_duplicate_email_customers() returns setof customers language sql 
as $$
    customer_id, name, email, created_at
from (
        customer_id, name, email, created_at, row_number() over(partition by email) as occurance
    from customers
where occurance > 1

create function get_customers_count(
    _name text, 
    _email text, 
    _created_before timestamp
returns bigint language sql as $$
from customers
    (_name is null or name ilike _name)
    (_email is null or email ilike _email)
    (_created_before is null or created_at > _created_before)

create function get_duplicate_emails() 
returns table (email text, count bigint) language sql as $$
    email, count(*)
from customers
group by email
having count(*) > 1
create table customers (
  customer_id bigint not null PRIMARY KEY, 
  name text NOT NULL, 
  email text NULL, 
  created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL default now()

create function get_latest_customer() 
returns customers 
language sql 
as $$
select * 
from customers
order by created_at dec
limit 1

create function get_duplicate_email_customers() returns setof customers language sql 
as $$
    customer_id, name, email, created_at
from (
        customer_id, name, email, created_at, row_number() over(partition by email) as occurance
    from customers
where occurance > 1

create function get_customers_count(
    _name text, 
    _email text, 
    _created_before timestamp
returns bigint language sql as $$
from customers
    (_name is null or name ilike _name)
    (_email is null or email ilike _email)
    (_created_before is null or created_at > _created_before)

create function get_duplicate_emails() 
returns table (email text, count bigint) language sql as $$
    email, count(*)
from customers
group by email
having count(*) > 1

Generated Typescript

interface ICustomersGetRequest {
    customerId?: number | null;
    name?: string | null;
    email?: string | null;
    createdAt?: Date | null;

interface ICustomersGetResponse {
    customerId: number | null;
    name: string | null;
    email: string | null;
    createdAt: string | null;

interface ICustomersPutRequest {
    customerId: number | null;
    name: string | null;
    email?: string | null;
    createdAt?: Date | null;

interface IGetCustomersCountRequest {
    name: string | null;
    email: string | null;
    createdBefore: Date | null;

interface IGetDuplicateEmailsResponse {
    email: string | null;
    count: number | null;

const _baseUrl = "";

const _parseQuery = (query: Record<any, any>) => "?" + Object.keys(query)
    .map(key => {
        const value = query[key] ? query[key] : "";
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
            return => s ? `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(s)}` : `${key}=`).join("&");
        return `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`;

* select public.customers
* @remarks
* GET /api/customers
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersGet(request: ICustomersGetRequest) : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers" + _parseQuery(request), {
        method: "GET",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* update public.customers
* @remarks
* POST /api/customers
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersPost(request: ICustomersGetRequest) : Promise<void> {
    await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers", {
        method: "POST",
        body: JSON.stringify(request)

* update public.customers
* returning
*     customer_id, name, email, created_at
* @remarks
* POST /api/customers/returning
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersReturningPost(request: ICustomersGetRequest) : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/returning", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify(request)
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* delete from public.customers
* @remarks
* DELETE /api/customers
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersDelete(request: ICustomersGetRequest) : Promise<void> {
    await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers" + _parseQuery(request), {
        method: "DELETE",

* delete from public.customers
* returning
*     customer_id, name, email, created_at
* @remarks
* DELETE /api/customers/returning
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersReturningDelete(request: ICustomersGetRequest) : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/returning" + _parseQuery(request), {
        method: "DELETE",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* insert into public.customers
* @remarks
* PUT /api/customers
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersPut(request: ICustomersPutRequest) : Promise<void> {
    await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers", {
        method: "PUT",
        body: JSON.stringify(request)

* insert into public.customers
* returning
*     customer_id, name, email, created_at
* @remarks
* PUT /api/customers/returning
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersReturningPut(request: ICustomersGetRequest) : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/returning", {
        method: "PUT",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify(request)
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* insert into public.customers
* on conflict (customer_id) do nothing
* @remarks
* PUT /api/customers/on-conflict-do-nothing
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersOnConflictDoNothingPut(request: ICustomersPutRequest) : Promise<void> {
    await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/on-conflict-do-nothing", {
        method: "PUT",
        body: JSON.stringify(request)

* insert into public.customers
* on conflict (customer_id) do nothing
* returning
*     customer_id, name, email, created_at
* @remarks
* PUT /api/customers/on-conflict-do-nothing/returning
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersOnConflictDoNothingReturningPut(request: ICustomersPutRequest) : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/on-conflict-do-nothing/returning", {
        method: "PUT",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify(request)
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* insert into public.customers
* on conflict (customer_id) do update
* @remarks
* PUT /api/customers/on-conflict-do-update
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersOnConflictDoUpdatePut(request: ICustomersPutRequest) : Promise<void> {
    await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/on-conflict-do-update", {
        method: "PUT",
        body: JSON.stringify(request)

* insert into public.customers
* on conflict (customer_id) do update
* returning
*     customer_id, name, email, created_at
* @remarks
* PUT /api/customers/on-conflict-do-update/returning
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersOnConflictDoUpdateReturningPut(request: ICustomersPutRequest) : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/on-conflict-do-update/returning", {
        method: "PUT",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify(request)
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* function public.get_customers_count(
*     _name text,
*     _email text,
*     _created_before timestamp without time zone
* )
* returns bigint
* @remarks
* GET /api/get-customers-count
* @see FUNCTION public.get_customers_count
export async function getCustomersCount(request: IGetCustomersCountRequest) : Promise<number> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/get-customers-count" + _parseQuery(request), {
        method: "GET",
    return Number(await response.text());

* function public.get_duplicate_email_customers()
* returns table(
*     customer_id bigint,
*     name text,
*     email text,
*     created_at timestamp without time zone
* )
* @remarks
* GET /api/get-duplicate-email-customers
* @see FUNCTION public.get_duplicate_email_customers
export async function getDuplicateEmailCustomers() : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/get-duplicate-email-customers", {
        method: "GET",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* function public.get_duplicate_emails()
* returns table(
*     email text,
*     count bigint
* )
* @remarks
* GET /api/get-duplicate-emails
* @see FUNCTION public.get_duplicate_emails
export async function getDuplicateEmails() : Promise<IGetDuplicateEmailsResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/get-duplicate-emails", {
        method: "GET",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    return await response.json() as IGetDuplicateEmailsResponse[];

* function public.get_latest_customer()
* returns customers
* @remarks
* GET /api/get-latest-customer
* @see FUNCTION public.get_latest_customer
export async function getLatestCustomer() : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/get-latest-customer", {
        method: "GET",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse;
interface ICustomersGetRequest {
    customerId?: number | null;
    name?: string | null;
    email?: string | null;
    createdAt?: Date | null;

interface ICustomersGetResponse {
    customerId: number | null;
    name: string | null;
    email: string | null;
    createdAt: string | null;

interface ICustomersPutRequest {
    customerId: number | null;
    name: string | null;
    email?: string | null;
    createdAt?: Date | null;

interface IGetCustomersCountRequest {
    name: string | null;
    email: string | null;
    createdBefore: Date | null;

interface IGetDuplicateEmailsResponse {
    email: string | null;
    count: number | null;

const _baseUrl = "";

const _parseQuery = (query: Record<any, any>) => "?" + Object.keys(query)
    .map(key => {
        const value = query[key] ? query[key] : "";
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
            return => s ? `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(s)}` : `${key}=`).join("&");
        return `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`;

* select public.customers
* @remarks
* GET /api/customers
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersGet(request: ICustomersGetRequest) : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers" + _parseQuery(request), {
        method: "GET",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* update public.customers
* @remarks
* POST /api/customers
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersPost(request: ICustomersGetRequest) : Promise<void> {
    await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers", {
        method: "POST",
        body: JSON.stringify(request)

* update public.customers
* returning
*     customer_id, name, email, created_at
* @remarks
* POST /api/customers/returning
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersReturningPost(request: ICustomersGetRequest) : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/returning", {
        method: "POST",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify(request)
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* delete from public.customers
* @remarks
* DELETE /api/customers
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersDelete(request: ICustomersGetRequest) : Promise<void> {
    await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers" + _parseQuery(request), {
        method: "DELETE",

* delete from public.customers
* returning
*     customer_id, name, email, created_at
* @remarks
* DELETE /api/customers/returning
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersReturningDelete(request: ICustomersGetRequest) : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/returning" + _parseQuery(request), {
        method: "DELETE",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* insert into public.customers
* @remarks
* PUT /api/customers
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersPut(request: ICustomersPutRequest) : Promise<void> {
    await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers", {
        method: "PUT",
        body: JSON.stringify(request)

* insert into public.customers
* returning
*     customer_id, name, email, created_at
* @remarks
* PUT /api/customers/returning
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersReturningPut(request: ICustomersGetRequest) : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/returning", {
        method: "PUT",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify(request)
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* insert into public.customers
* on conflict (customer_id) do nothing
* @remarks
* PUT /api/customers/on-conflict-do-nothing
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersOnConflictDoNothingPut(request: ICustomersPutRequest) : Promise<void> {
    await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/on-conflict-do-nothing", {
        method: "PUT",
        body: JSON.stringify(request)

* insert into public.customers
* on conflict (customer_id) do nothing
* returning
*     customer_id, name, email, created_at
* @remarks
* PUT /api/customers/on-conflict-do-nothing/returning
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersOnConflictDoNothingReturningPut(request: ICustomersPutRequest) : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/on-conflict-do-nothing/returning", {
        method: "PUT",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify(request)
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* insert into public.customers
* on conflict (customer_id) do update
* @remarks
* PUT /api/customers/on-conflict-do-update
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersOnConflictDoUpdatePut(request: ICustomersPutRequest) : Promise<void> {
    await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/on-conflict-do-update", {
        method: "PUT",
        body: JSON.stringify(request)

* insert into public.customers
* on conflict (customer_id) do update
* returning
*     customer_id, name, email, created_at
* @remarks
* PUT /api/customers/on-conflict-do-update/returning
* @see TABLE public.customers
export async function customersOnConflictDoUpdateReturningPut(request: ICustomersPutRequest) : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/customers/on-conflict-do-update/returning", {
        method: "PUT",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify(request)
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* function public.get_customers_count(
*     _name text,
*     _email text,
*     _created_before timestamp without time zone
* )
* returns bigint
* @remarks
* GET /api/get-customers-count
* @see FUNCTION public.get_customers_count
export async function getCustomersCount(request: IGetCustomersCountRequest) : Promise<number> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/get-customers-count" + _parseQuery(request), {
        method: "GET",
    return Number(await response.text());

* function public.get_duplicate_email_customers()
* returns table(
*     customer_id bigint,
*     name text,
*     email text,
*     created_at timestamp without time zone
* )
* @remarks
* GET /api/get-duplicate-email-customers
* @see FUNCTION public.get_duplicate_email_customers
export async function getDuplicateEmailCustomers() : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/get-duplicate-email-customers", {
        method: "GET",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse[];

* function public.get_duplicate_emails()
* returns table(
*     email text,
*     count bigint
* )
* @remarks
* GET /api/get-duplicate-emails
* @see FUNCTION public.get_duplicate_emails
export async function getDuplicateEmails() : Promise<IGetDuplicateEmailsResponse[]> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/get-duplicate-emails", {
        method: "GET",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    return await response.json() as IGetDuplicateEmailsResponse[];

* function public.get_latest_customer()
* returns customers
* @remarks
* GET /api/get-latest-customer
* @see FUNCTION public.get_latest_customer
export async function getLatestCustomer() : Promise<ICustomersGetResponse> {
    const response = await fetch(_baseUrl + "/api/get-latest-customer", {
        method: "GET",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    return await response.json() as ICustomersGetResponse;


See the TsClientOptions.cs source file.

namespace NpgsqlRest.TsClient;

public class TsClientOptions(
    string filePath = default!,
    bool fileOverwrite = false,
    bool includeHost = false,
    string? customHost = null,
    CommentHeader commentHeader = CommentHeader.Simple,
    bool commentHeaderIncludeComments = true,
    bool includeStatusCode = false,
    bool bySchema = false,
    bool createSeparateTypeFile = true,
    string? importBaseUrlFrom = null,
    string? importParseQueryFrom = null,
    bool includeParseUrlParam = false,
    bool includeParseRequestParam = false,
    string[]? skipRoutineNames = null,
    string[]? skipFunctionNames = null,
    string[]? skipPaths = null,
    string defaultJsonType = "string",
    bool useRoutineNameInsteadOfEndpoint = false,
    bool exportUrls = false,
    bool skipTypes = false)
    /// <summary>
    /// File path for the generated code. Set to null to skip the code generation. Use {0} to set schema name when BySchema is true
    /// </summary>
    public string? FilePath { get; set; } = filePath;

    /// <summary>
    /// Force file overwrite.
    /// </summary>
    public bool FileOverwrite { get; set; } = fileOverwrite;

    /// <summary>
    /// Include current host information in the URL prefix.
    /// </summary>
    public bool IncludeHost { get; set; } = includeHost;

    /// <summary>
    /// Set the custom host prefix information.
    /// </summary>
    public string? CustomHost { get; set; } = customHost;

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds comment header to above request based on PostgreSQL routine
    /// Set None to skip.
    /// Set Simple (default) to add name, parameters and return values to comment header.
    /// Set Full to add the entire routine code as comment header.
    /// </summary>
    public CommentHeader CommentHeader { get; set; } = commentHeader;

    /// <summary>
    /// When CommentHeader is set to Simple or Full, set to true to include routine comments in comment header.
    /// </summary>
    public bool CommentHeaderIncludeComments { get; set; } = commentHeaderIncludeComments;

    /// <summary>
    /// Set to true to include status code in response: {status: response.status, response: model}
    /// </summary>
    public bool IncludeStatusCode { get; set; } = includeStatusCode;

    /// <summary>
    /// Create files by PostgreSQL schema. File name will use formatted FilePath where {0} is is the schema name in the pascal case.
    /// </summary>
    public bool BySchema { get; set; } = bySchema;

    /// <summary>
    /// Create separate file with global types {name}Types.d.ts
    /// </summary>
    public bool CreateSeparateTypeFile { get; set; } = createSeparateTypeFile;

    /// <summary>
    /// Lines to add to each header. {0} format placeholder is current timestamp
    /// </summary>
    public List<string> HeaderLines { get; set; } = ["// autogenerated at {0}", "", ""];

    /// <summary>
    /// Module name to import "baseUrl" constant, instead of defining it in a module.
    /// </summary>
    public string? ImportBaseUrlFrom { get; set; } = importBaseUrlFrom;

    /// <summary>
    /// Module name to import "pasreQuery" function, instead of defining it in a module.
    /// </summary>
    public string? ImportParseQueryFrom { get; set; } = importParseQueryFrom;

    /// <summary>
    /// Include optional parameter `parseUrl: (url: string) => string = url=>url` that will parse constructed url.
    /// </summary>
    public bool IncludeParseUrlParam { get; set; } = includeParseUrlParam;

    /// <summary>
    /// Include optional parameter `parseRequest: (request: RequestInit) => RequestInit = request=>request` that will parse constructed request.
    /// </summary>
    public bool IncludeParseRequestParam { get; set; } = includeParseRequestParam;

    /// <summary>
    /// Array of routine names to skip (without schema)
    /// </summary>
    public string[] SkipRoutineNames { get; set; } = skipRoutineNames ?? [];

    /// <summary>
    /// Array of generated function names to skip (without schema)
    /// </summary>
    public string[] SkipFunctionNames { get; set; } = skipFunctionNames ?? [];

    /// <summary>
    /// Array of url paths to skip
    /// </summary>
    public string[] SkipPaths { get; set; } = skipPaths ?? [];

    /// <summary>
    /// Array of schema names to skip
    /// </summary>
    public string[] SkipSchemas { get; set; } = skipPaths ?? [];

    /// <summary>
    /// Default TypeScript type for JSON types.
    /// </summary>
    public string DefaultJsonType { get; set; } = defaultJsonType;

    /// <summary>
    /// Use routine name instead of endpoint name when generating a function name.
    /// </summary>
    public bool UseRoutineNameInsteadOfEndpoint { get; set; } = useRoutineNameInsteadOfEndpoint;

    /// <summary>
    /// Export URLs as constants.
    /// </summary>
    public bool ExportUrls { get; set; } = exportUrls;

    /// <summary>
    /// Skip generating types and produce pure JavaScript code. Setting this to true will also change .ts extension to .js where applicable.
    /// </summary>
    public bool SkipTypes { get; set; } = skipTypes;
namespace NpgsqlRest.TsClient;

public class TsClientOptions(
    string filePath = default!,
    bool fileOverwrite = false,
    bool includeHost = false,
    string? customHost = null,
    CommentHeader commentHeader = CommentHeader.Simple,
    bool commentHeaderIncludeComments = true,
    bool includeStatusCode = false,
    bool bySchema = false,
    bool createSeparateTypeFile = true,
    string? importBaseUrlFrom = null,
    string? importParseQueryFrom = null,
    bool includeParseUrlParam = false,
    bool includeParseRequestParam = false,
    string[]? skipRoutineNames = null,
    string[]? skipFunctionNames = null,
    string[]? skipPaths = null,
    string defaultJsonType = "string",
    bool useRoutineNameInsteadOfEndpoint = false,
    bool exportUrls = false,
    bool skipTypes = false)
    /// <summary>
    /// File path for the generated code. Set to null to skip the code generation. Use {0} to set schema name when BySchema is true
    /// </summary>
    public string? FilePath { get; set; } = filePath;

    /// <summary>
    /// Force file overwrite.
    /// </summary>
    public bool FileOverwrite { get; set; } = fileOverwrite;

    /// <summary>
    /// Include current host information in the URL prefix.
    /// </summary>
    public bool IncludeHost { get; set; } = includeHost;

    /// <summary>
    /// Set the custom host prefix information.
    /// </summary>
    public string? CustomHost { get; set; } = customHost;

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds comment header to above request based on PostgreSQL routine
    /// Set None to skip.
    /// Set Simple (default) to add name, parameters and return values to comment header.
    /// Set Full to add the entire routine code as comment header.
    /// </summary>
    public CommentHeader CommentHeader { get; set; } = commentHeader;

    /// <summary>
    /// When CommentHeader is set to Simple or Full, set to true to include routine comments in comment header.
    /// </summary>
    public bool CommentHeaderIncludeComments { get; set; } = commentHeaderIncludeComments;

    /// <summary>
    /// Set to true to include status code in response: {status: response.status, response: model}
    /// </summary>
    public bool IncludeStatusCode { get; set; } = includeStatusCode;

    /// <summary>
    /// Create files by PostgreSQL schema. File name will use formatted FilePath where {0} is is the schema name in the pascal case.
    /// </summary>
    public bool BySchema { get; set; } = bySchema;

    /// <summary>
    /// Create separate file with global types {name}Types.d.ts
    /// </summary>
    public bool CreateSeparateTypeFile { get; set; } = createSeparateTypeFile;

    /// <summary>
    /// Lines to add to each header. {0} format placeholder is current timestamp
    /// </summary>
    public List<string> HeaderLines { get; set; } = ["// autogenerated at {0}", "", ""];

    /// <summary>
    /// Module name to import "baseUrl" constant, instead of defining it in a module.
    /// </summary>
    public string? ImportBaseUrlFrom { get; set; } = importBaseUrlFrom;

    /// <summary>
    /// Module name to import "pasreQuery" function, instead of defining it in a module.
    /// </summary>
    public string? ImportParseQueryFrom { get; set; } = importParseQueryFrom;

    /// <summary>
    /// Include optional parameter `parseUrl: (url: string) => string = url=>url` that will parse constructed url.
    /// </summary>
    public bool IncludeParseUrlParam { get; set; } = includeParseUrlParam;

    /// <summary>
    /// Include optional parameter `parseRequest: (request: RequestInit) => RequestInit = request=>request` that will parse constructed request.
    /// </summary>
    public bool IncludeParseRequestParam { get; set; } = includeParseRequestParam;

    /// <summary>
    /// Array of routine names to skip (without schema)
    /// </summary>
    public string[] SkipRoutineNames { get; set; } = skipRoutineNames ?? [];

    /// <summary>
    /// Array of generated function names to skip (without schema)
    /// </summary>
    public string[] SkipFunctionNames { get; set; } = skipFunctionNames ?? [];

    /// <summary>
    /// Array of url paths to skip
    /// </summary>
    public string[] SkipPaths { get; set; } = skipPaths ?? [];

    /// <summary>
    /// Array of schema names to skip
    /// </summary>
    public string[] SkipSchemas { get; set; } = skipPaths ?? [];

    /// <summary>
    /// Default TypeScript type for JSON types.
    /// </summary>
    public string DefaultJsonType { get; set; } = defaultJsonType;

    /// <summary>
    /// Use routine name instead of endpoint name when generating a function name.
    /// </summary>
    public bool UseRoutineNameInsteadOfEndpoint { get; set; } = useRoutineNameInsteadOfEndpoint;

    /// <summary>
    /// Export URLs as constants.
    /// </summary>
    public bool ExportUrls { get; set; } = exportUrls;

    /// <summary>
    /// Skip generating types and produce pure JavaScript code. Setting this to true will also change .ts extension to .js where applicable.
    /// </summary>
    public bool SkipTypes { get; set; } = skipTypes;

Library Dependencies

  • NpgsqlRest 2.4.0


Contributions from the community are welcomed. Please make a pull request with a description if you wish to contribute.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
