Npgsql Options

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Options are passed as a parameter of the UseNpgsqlRest extension:

var app = builder.Build();
app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions());

The full list of available options in the latest version is below.


This is the group of options used for authentication:


  • Type: string?
  • Default: null

Authentication type used with the Login endpoints to set the authentication type for the new ClaimsIdentity created by the login.

This value must be set to non-null when using login endpoints, otherwise, the following error will raise: SignInAsync when principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated is false is not allowed when AuthenticationOptions.RequireAuthenticatedSignIn is true.

If the value is not set and the login endpoint is present, it will automatically get the database name from the connection string.


  • Type: string?
  • Default: ""

Claim type value used to retrieve the user name.

The user name is exposed as the default name with the Name property on the user identity by searching claims collection with this claim type.

The default is the Active Directory Federation Services Claim Type Name property with value


  • Type: string?
  • Default: ""

Claim type value used to retrieve the roles collection for the roles-based security.

The role key is used in the bool IsInRole(string role) method to search claims to determine does the current user identity belongs to roles.

The default is the Active Directory Federation Services Claim Type Role property with value


  • Type: string?
  • Default: "scheme"

The default column name in the data reader will be used to read the value of the authentication scheme of the login process.

The textual value of this field will set the authentication scheme name for the sign-in operation.

This is useful when using multiple authentication schemes. Returning any value from the logout routine will cause a logout from only that scheme. So for example, if you have the Cookie scheme and the Bearer Token scheme configured, you can handle them separately for login and logout.

The default is "scheme".


  • Type: string?
  • Default: "status"

The default column name in the data reader will be used to read the value to determine the success or failure of the login operation.

This column can only be a boolean or numeric type. If it is neither boolean nor numeric, the endpoint will return status 500 InternalServerError and you'll have to check logs.

When this field is boolean, and it is true, the login process will continue with security claims set by other fields (which usually ends up in 200 OK if authentication is configured). If it is false, the endpoint will return 404 NotFound and the login attempt will not continue.

When this field is numeric, and it is 200, the login process will continue with security claims set by other fields (which usually ends up in 200 OK if authentication is configured). If it is not 200, the endpoint will return the status code the same as the value of this field, and the login attempt will not continue.


  • Type: string?
  • Default: "message"

This is the textual message that is returned in the response body.

Note: this message is only returned in a case when the configured authentication scheme doesn't write anything into the response body on a sign-in operation.

For example, the Cookie authentication scheme doesn't write anything into the body and this message is safely written to the response body. On the other hand, the Bearer Token schemes will always write the response body and this message will not be written to the response body.


  • Type: bool
  • Default: true

By default, if the column name interpreted as the security claim type, matches one of the Active Directory Federation Services Claim Types names, it will use that AD Federation Services Claim Type URI. The table can be seen here: ClaimTypes Class.

That means that if the column name is either of these NameIdentifier - or the nameidentifier (case is ignored), or the name_identifier (for the camel case converted names, which is the default), the actual security claim type is according to this table.

If the name is not found in this table, security is the column name as-is but parsed by the default name converter.

In this example column name name_identifier will be the security claim type the nameIdentifier.

This behavior that uses the AD Federation Services Claim Type can be turned off with this option.


  • Type: ulong
  • Default: 25

The number of rows to buffer in the string builder before sending the response. The default is 25. This applies to rows in JSON object array when returning records from the database.

Set to 0 to disable buffering and write a response for each row.

Set to 1 to buffer the entire array (all rows).


  • Disabling buffering can have a slight negative impact on performance since buffering is far less expensive than writing to the response stream.
  • Setting higher values can have a negative impact on memory usage, especially when returning large datasets.


  • Type: string?
  • Default: null

The connection string to the database. This is the optional value if the DataSource is set.


  • Type: NpgsqlDataSource?
  • Default: null

Default NpgsqlDataSource defines a data source from which to create connection objects. If set, ConnectionString option is ignored.


  • Type: Dictionary<string, StringValues>
  • Default: []

Custom request headers dictionary that will be added to NpgsqlRest requests.

Note: these values are added to the request headers dictionary before they are sent as a context or parameter to the PostgreSQL routine and as such not visible to the browser debugger.


  • Type: ServiceProviderObject
  • Default: None

Configure how the comment annotations will behave:

  • None - Connection is not provided in service provider. Connection is supplied either by ConnectionString or by DataSource option.
  • NpgsqlDataSource - NpgsqlRest attempts to get NpgsqlDataSource from service provider (assuming one is provided).
  • NpgsqlConnection - NpgsqlRest attempts to get NpgsqlConnection from service provider (assuming one is provided).


  • Type: string?
  • Default: null

Filter schema names by using a SIMILAR TO operator with this value, or set it to null to ignore this parameter.


  • Type: string?
  • Default: null

Filter schema names by using a NOT SIMILAR TO operator with this value, or set it to null to ignore this parameter.


  • Type: string[]?
  • Default: null

List of schema names to be included or null to ignore this parameter.


  • Type: string[]?
  • Default: null

List of schema names to be excluded or null to ignore this parameter.


  • Type: string?
  • Default: null

Filter names by using a SIMILAR TO operator with this value, or set it to null to ignore this parameter.

Names are PostgreSQL object names like function or table, depending on the source.


  • Type: string?
  • Default: null

Filter names by using a NOT SIMILAR TO operator with this value, or set it to null to ignore this parameter.

Names are PostgreSQL object names like function or table, depending on the source.


  • Type: string[]?
  • Default: null

List of names to be included or null to ignore this parameter. Names are PostgreSQL object names like function or table, depending on the source.


  • Type: string[]?
  • Default: null

List of names to be excluded or null to ignore this parameter. Names are PostgreSQL object names like function or table, depending on the source.


  • Type: string?
  • Default: "/api"

The URL prefix string for every URL created by the default URL builder or null to ignore the URL prefix.


  • Type: Func<Routine, NpgsqlRestOptions, string>
  • Default: DefaultUrlBuilder.CreateUrl

Custom function delegate that receives routine and options parameters and returns constructed URL path string for routine. Default the default URL builder that transforms snake case names to kebab case names.


app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions
    // URL path is equal to the routine name without schema name
    UrlPathBuilder = (routine, options) => routine.Name


  • Type: Func<NpgsqlRest.Routine, NpgsqlRest.RoutineEndpoint, NpgsqlRest.RoutineEndpoint?>?
  • Default: null

A callback function that, if defined, is executed just after the new endpoint is created. Receives routine into and new endpoint info as parameters and it is expected to return the same endpoint or null.

It offers an opportunity to modify the endpoint based on custom logic or disable endpoints by returning null based on some custom logic.


app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions
    // always skip public routines
    EndpointCreated = (routine, endpoint) => routine.Schema == "public" ? null : endpoint
app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions
    // force all endpoints to have POST method
    EndpointCreated = (routine, endpoint) =>
        endpoint.Method = Method.POST;
        return endpoint;
app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions
    // All public schema always require authorization
    EndpointCreated = (routine, endpoint) =>
        if (routine.Schema == "public")
            endpoint.RequiresAuthorization = true;
        return endpoint;


  • Type: Func<string?, string?>
  • Default: NpgsqlRest.Defaults.DefaultNameConverter.ConvertToCamelCase

Custom function callback that receives names from PostgreSQL (parameter names, column names, etc), and is expected to return the same or new name. It offers an opportunity to convert names based on certain conventions. The default converter converts snake case names into camel case names.


app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions
    // Use the original name for parameters and JSON field names
    NameConverter = name => name


  • Type: bool
  • Default: false

When set to true, it will force all created endpoints to require authorization.

Authorization requirements for individual endpoints can be changed with the EndpointCreated function callback, or by using comment annotations.


  • Type: Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger?
  • Default: null

Set this option to provide a custom logger implementation. The default null value will cause middleware to create a default logger named NpgsqlRest from the default logger factory in the service collection.


app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions
    // use empty logger
    Logger = new EmptyLogger()

public class EmptyLogger : ILogger
    public IDisposable BeginScope<TState>(TState state) => throw new NotImplementedException();
    public bool IsEnabled(LogLevel logLevel) => false;
    public void Log<TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func<TState, Exception, string> formatter) { }


  • Type: string?
  • Default: null

Change the logger name with this option.


  • Type: bool
  • Default: true

When this value is true, all changes in the endpoint properties that are set from the comment annotations will be logged as information:

info: NpgsqlRest[0]
      Function auth.get_user_details has set REQUIRED AUTHORIZATION by the comment annotation.


  • Type: bool
  • Default: true

When this value is true, all created endpoint events will be logged as information with method and path. Set to false to disable logging this information.

Example log entry with default Microsoft logger:

info: NpgsqlRest[0]
      Created endpoint POST /api/hello-world


  • Type: bool
  • Default: true

When this value is true, all connection events are logged (depending on the level). This is usually triggered by the PostgreSQL RAISE statements. Set to false to disable logging these events.

Example function with RAISE statement:

create function return_text(_t text) 
returns text 
language plpgsql
    raise info '_t = %', _t;
    return _t;

Execution for parameter value "ABC" will produce the following log:

info: NpgsqlRest[0]
      PL/pgSQL function return_text(text) line 3 at RAISE:
      _t = ABC


  • Type: bool
  • Default: false

Set this option to true to log information for every executed command and query (including parameters and parameter values).

When this option is true, the following log will be produced:

info: NpgsqlRest[0] -- POST http://localhost:5000/api/return-text
      select public.return_text($1)


  • Type: bool
  • Default: false

Set this option to true to include parameter values when logging commands. This only applies when LogCommands is true.

Execution for parameter value "ABC" will produce the following log:

info: NpgsqlRest[0] -- POST http://localhost:5000/api/return-text
      -- $1 text = 'ABC'
      select public.return_text($1)


  • Type: int?
  • Default: null

Sets the wait time (in seconds) on database commands, before terminating the attempt to execute a command and generating an error. This value when it is not null will override the NpgsqlCommand which is 30 seconds.

Command timeout property for individual endpoints can be changed with the EndpointCreated function callback, or by using comment annotations.


  • Type: Method?
  • Default: null

When not null, force a method type for all created endpoints. Method types are GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, TRACE, PATCH or CONNECT. When this value is null (default), default logic will apply to determine individual endpoint methods, depending on the routine source.

For example:

  • For function and procedures, routines with volatility option VOLATILE are always POST, unless the name starts with, get_, contains _get_ or ends with _get, the the method is GET. If the volatility option is not VOLATILE, method is always GET.
  • For tables and views, the method depends on the type of CRUD operation. Create is PUT. Read is GET. The update is POST. And, delete is DELETE.

This option for individual endpoints can be changed with the EndpointCreated function callback, or by using comment annotations.


  • Type: RequestParamType?
  • Default: null

When not null, set the request parameter position (request parameter types) for all created endpoints. Values are:

  • QueryString: parameters are sent using the query string.
  • BodyJson: parameters are sent using JSON request body.

When this value is null (default), the request parameter type is QueryString for all GET and DELETE endpoints, otherwise, the request parameter type is BodyJson.

This option for individual endpoints can be changed with the EndpointCreated function callback, or by using comment annotations.


  • Type: Action<ParameterValidationValues>?
  • Default: null

Custom parameter validation method. When this callback option is not null, it will be executed for every database parameter created.

The input structure will contain a current HTTP context that offers the opportunity to alter the response and cancel the request: If the current HTTP response reference has started or the status code is different than 200 OK, command execution will be canceled and the response will be returned.


static void Validate(ParameterValidationValues p)
    if (p.Routine.Name == "my_function" && p.Parameter.Value?.ToString() == "XXX")
        p.Context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;

app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions
    ValidateParameters = Validate


  • Type: Func<ParameterValidationValues, Task>?
  • Default: null

Custom parameter validation method, the asynchronous version. When this callback option is not null, it will be executed for every database parameter created.

The input structure will contain a current HTTP context that offers the opportunity to alter the response and cancel the request: If the current HTTP response reference has started or the status code is different than 200 OK, command execution will be canceled and the response will be returned.


static async Task ValidateAsync(ParameterValidationValues p)
    if (p.Routine.Name == "my_function" && p.Parameter.Value?.ToString() == "XXX")
        p.Context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
        await p.Context.Response.WriteAsync($"Paramater {p.ParamName} is not valid.");

app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions
    ValidateParametersAsync = ValidateAsync


  • Type: CommentsMode
  • Default: OnlyWithHttpTag

Configure how the comment annotations will behave:

  • Ignore will create all endpoints and ignore comment annotations.
  • ParseAll (default) will create all endpoints and parse comment annotations to alter the endpoint.
  • OnlyWithHttpTag will only create endpoints that contain the HTTP tag in the comments and then parse comment annotations.


  • Type: RequestHeadersMode
  • Default: Ignore

Configure how to send request headers to PostgreSQL routines execution:

  • Ignore: (default) Don't send any request headers to routines.
  • Context: sets a context variable for the current session context.headers containing JSON string with current request headers. This executes set_config('context.headers', headers, false) before any routine executions.
  • Parameter: sends request headers to the routine parameter defined with the RequestHeadersParameterName option. A parameter with this name must exist, must be one of the JSON or text types and must have the default value defined. This option for individual endpoints can be changed with the EndpointCreated function callback, or by using comment annotations.


  • Type: string
  • Default: "headers"

Sets a parameter name that will receive a request headers JSON when the Parameter value is used in RequestHeadersMode options.

A parameter with this name must exist, must be one of the JSON or text types and must have the default value defined.

This option for individual endpoints can be changed with the EndpointCreated function callback, or by using comment annotations.


  • Type: Action<(Routine routine, RoutineEndpoint endpoint)[]>?
  • Default: null

Callback, if defined, will be executed after all endpoints are created. It receives an array of routine info and endpoint info tuples (Routine routine, RoutineEndpoint endpoint). Used mostly for code generation.


static void WriteFile(Routine routine, RoutineEndpoint endpoint)
    // write file here

app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions
    EndpointsCreated = endpoints => 
        foreach(var (routine, endpoint) in endpoints)
            WriteFile(routine, endpoint);


  • Type: Func<(Routine routine, NpgsqlCommand command, HttpContext context), Task>?
  • Default: null

Asynchronous callback function that, if defined, will be called after every database command is created and before it has been executed.

It receives a tuple parameter with routine info, a newly created command and the current HTTP context. Command instance and HTTP context offer the opportunity to execute the command and return a completely different, custom response format.

If the current HTTP context is modified in any shape or form, it will be returned immediately, otherwise, it will fall back to a default behavior.

Example of returning a custom format in CSV rather than JSON:

static async Task CommandCallbackAsync((Routine routine, NpgsqlCommand command, HttpContext context) p)
    if (p.routine.Name == "get_csv_data")
        p.context.Response.ContentType = "text/csv";
        await using var reader = await p.command.ExecuteReaderAsync();
        while (await reader.ReadAsync())
            await p

app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions
    CommandCallbackAsync = CommandCallbackAsync


  • Type: IEnumerable<IEndpointCreateHandler>
  • Default: []

List of IEndpointCreateHandler type handlers executed sequentially after endpoints are created. Used to add the different code generation plugins.


app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions
    // create HTTP file and the Typescript Client from plugins
    EndpointCreateHandlers = [
        new HttpFile(), 
        new TsClient("../Frontend/src/api.ts")]


  • Type: Action<List<IRoutineSource>>
  • Default: source => {}

Action callback that, if defined, is executed after routine sources are created and before they are processed into endpoints.

Receives a parameter with the list of IRoutineSource instances. This list will always contain a single item - functions and procedures source. Use this callback to modify the routine source list and add new sources from plugins.


app.UseNpgsqlRest(new NpgsqlRestOptions
    // add tables and views CRUD source from plugin
    SourcesCreated = sources => sources.Add(new CrudSource())


  • Type: TextResponseNullHandling
  • Default: EmptyString

Sets the default behavior of plain text responses when the execution returns the NULL value from the database:

  • EmptyString (default) returns an empty string response with status code 200 OK.
  • NullLiteral returns a string literal NULL with the status code 200 OK.
  • NoContent returns status code 204 NO CONTENT.

This option for individual endpoints can be changed with the EndpointCreated function callback, or by using comment annotations.


  • Type: QueryStringNullHandling
  • Default: Ignore

Sets the default behavior on how to pass the NULL values with query strings:

  • EmptyString empty string values are interpreted as NULL values. This limits sending empty strings via query strings.
  • NullLiteral literal string values NULL (case insensitive) are interpreted as NULL values.
  • Ignore (default) NULL values are ignored, query string receives only empty strings.

This option for individual endpoints can be changed with the EndpointCreated function callback, or by using comment annotations.


  • Type: bool

  • Default: true

  • Set to true to return message property on exception from the NpgsqlException object on response body. The default is true.


  • Type: Dictionary<string, int>
  • Default: { { "57014", 205 } }

Dictionary setting that maps the PostgreSQL Error Codes (see the errcodes-appendix to HTTP Status Codes.

Default is { "57014", 205 } which maps PostgreSQL query_canceled error to HTTP 205 Reset Content. If the mapping doesn't exist, the standard HTTP 500 Internal Server Error is returned.


  • Type: Action<NpgsqlConnection, Routine, RoutineEndpoint, HttpContext>?
  • Default: null

Callback option: Action<NpgsqlConnection, Routine, RoutineEndpoint, HttpContext>? BeforeConnectionOpen.

This is used to set the application name parameter (for example) without having to use the service provider. It executes before the new connection is open for the request. For example:

    ConnectionString = connectionString,
    BeforeConnectionOpen = (NpgsqlConnection connection, Routine routine, RoutineEndpoint endpoint, HttpContext context) =>
        var username = context.User.Identity?.Name;
        connection.ConnectionString = new NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString)
            ApplicationName = string.Concat(
                    username is null ? "\",\"user\":null}" : string.Concat("\",\"user\":\"", username, "\"}"))


  • Type: bool
  • Default: false

Enables or disables refresh endpoint. When refresh endpoint is invoked, the entire metadata for NpgsqlRest endpoints is refreshed. When metadata is refreshed, endpoint returns status 200.


  • Type: string
  • Default: "GET"


  • Type: string
  • Default: "/api/npgsqlrest/refresh"