Basic Concepts

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Extensions And Fluid Syntax

  • Norm is implemented as a set of extensions over the System.Data.Common.DbConnection object.

  • Some extensions may return the new Norm object instance.

  • Norm object instances have methods with the same signature as the System.Data.Common.DbConnection extensions.

  • This allows the use of the fluid syntax over the connection object. Example:

// Execute a stored procedure with command timoout 60 seconds
// Execute a stored procedure with command timoout 60 seconds
  • Since WithTimeout exists as an extension and as an instance method, the example from above could have been written like this:
// Execute a stored procedure with command timoout 60 seconds
// Execute a stored procedure with command timoout 60 seconds

Database Commands

  • There are three groups of methods used to execute database commands
  1. Execution
  1. Read Mappings
  1. Multiple Mappings
public static Norm ExecuteAsync(this DbConnection connection, 
    string command,
    object parameters = null,
    [CallerMemberName] string memberName = "",
    [CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = "",
    [CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0);
public static Norm ExecuteAsync(this DbConnection connection, 
    string command,
    object parameters = null,
    [CallerMemberName] string memberName = "",
    [CallerFilePath] string sourceFilePath = "",
    [CallerLineNumber] int sourceLineNumber = 0);
  • The last three parameters with the Caller attribute (memberName, sourceFilePath and sourceLineNumber) - should not be supplied by the user - they are intended to be used in diagnostics and logging and are supplied automatically by the compiler.

Read Iterators

  • The Read extension method and all the overload versions of that method - will always return the iterator of the Enumerable<T> interface type.

  • Values are yielded to the iterator as they are returned from the database.

  • For example, the following statements:

using Norm;

// doesn't do anything with the database
var result1 = connection.Read<int>("select count(*) from actor");

// doesn't do anything with the database
var result2 = connection.Read<string>("select title from film");
using Norm;

// doesn't do anything with the database
var result1 = connection.Read<int>("select count(*) from actor");

// doesn't do anything with the database
var result2 = connection.Read<string>("select title from film");
  • These two lines will NOT send or execute any commands to the database.

  • Instead, they will create an iterator over the database connection that will be executed when the actual iteration starts:

using System.Linq;
using Norm;

// doesn't do anything with the database, return iterator
var result1 = connection.Read<int>("select count(*) from actor");

// doesn't do anything with the database, return iterator
var result2 = connection.Read<string>("select title from film");

// executes select count(*) from actor and retuns int
var count = result1.Single();

// executes select title from film and builds a list of film titles
var list = result2.Tolist();
using System.Linq;
using Norm;

// doesn't do anything with the database, return iterator
var result1 = connection.Read<int>("select count(*) from actor");

// doesn't do anything with the database, return iterator
var result2 = connection.Read<string>("select title from film");

// executes select count(*) from actor and retuns int
var count = result1.Single();

// executes select title from film and builds a list of film titles
var list = result2.Tolist();
  • Or, simply combine Linq statements with the iterator returned from the Read method:
using System.Linq;
using Norm;

// executes select count(*) from actor and retuns int
var count = connection.Read<int>("select count(*) from actor").Single();

// executes select title from film and builds a list of film titles
var list = connection.Read<string>("select title from film").Tolist();
using System.Linq;
using Norm;

// executes select count(*) from actor and retuns int
var count = connection.Read<int>("select count(*) from actor").Single();

// executes select title from film and builds a list of film titles
var list = connection.Read<string>("select title from film").Tolist();
  • Or, for example, a standard foreach iteration without Linq:
using Norm;

// executes select title from film and iterate titles
foreach(var title in connection.Read<string>("select title from film"))
    // ...
using Norm;

// executes select title from film and iterate titles
foreach(var title in connection.Read<string>("select title from film"))
    // ...
  • As we can see, the actual execution is delayed until the first iteration starts.

  • In simple pseudo-code, this is what the Read method does:

IEnumerable<TResult> Read()
    foreach(var record in reader)
        yield return record;
IEnumerable<TResult> Read()
    foreach(var record in reader)
        yield return record;
  • This approach allows us to build Linq expressions over the iterator - which are then executed only once per iteration, and there is no need for additional buffering.

Async Read Iterators

  • The asynchronous version ReadAsync extension method and all the overload versions of that method - will always return the iterator of the IAsyncEnumerable<T> interface type.

  • The asynchronous version ReadAsync - behaves exactly the same as the synchronous Read method - execution is delayed until the first iteration starts.

  • IAsyncEnumerable<T> enumerator interface that provides asynchronous iteration over values:

using System.Linq;
using Norm;

// doesn't do anything with the database, return iterator
var result1 = connection.ReadAsync<int>("select count(*) from actor");

// doesn't do anything with the database, return iterator
var result2 = connection.ReadAsync<string>("select title from film");

// executes select count(*) from actor and retuns int
var count = await result1.SingleAsync();

// executes select title from film and builds a list of film titles
var list = await result2.ToListAsync();
using System.Linq;
using Norm;

// doesn't do anything with the database, return iterator
var result1 = connection.ReadAsync<int>("select count(*) from actor");

// doesn't do anything with the database, return iterator
var result2 = connection.ReadAsync<string>("select title from film");

// executes select count(*) from actor and retuns int
var count = await result1.SingleAsync();

// executes select title from film and builds a list of film titles
var list = await result2.ToListAsync();
  • The example above uses the System.Linq.Async package.

  • System.Linq.Async is an official .NET Foundation implementation of asynchronous LINQ extension methods. It provides an asynchronous version of every LINQ extension method over the IAsyncEnumerable<T> interface.

Working With Tuples

  • Both Read and ReadAsync methods implement a complex mapping system - but they both return a single generic value (IEnumerable<T> and IAsyncEnumerable<T>, respectively).

  • When those iterators should return multiple values, that generic value is a tuple type. For example:

  • IEnumerable<(T1, T2)> - two value tuple (T1, T2) for two values.

  • IEnumerable<(T1, T2, T3)> - three value tuple (T1, T2, T3) for three values.

  • etc.

  • The same goes for the IAsyncEnumerable<T> type.

  • This allows for a convenient tuple deconstruction, for example:

using Norm;

foreach(var (title, description, year) in 
        connection.Read<string, string, int>("select title, description, release_year from film"))
    Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}, Description: {1}, Year: {2}", title, description, year)
using Norm;

foreach(var (title, description, year) in 
        connection.Read<string, string, int>("select title, description, release_year from film"))
    Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}, Description: {1}, Year: {2}", title, description, year)
  • Tuples can also be named tuples:
using Norm;

foreach(var tuple in 
        connection.Read<(string title, string description, int year)>("select title, description, release_year from film"))
    Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}, Description: {1}, Year: {2}", tuple.title, tuple.description, tuple.year)
using Norm;

foreach(var tuple in 
        connection.Read<(string title, string description, int year)>("select title, description, release_year from film"))
    Console.WriteLine("Title: {0}, Description: {1}, Year: {2}", tuple.title, tuple.description, tuple.year)
  • We can also return multiple named tuples. In that case, each named tuple is a new tuple:
using Norm;

// deconstruction of named tuples
foreach (var (actor, film) in connection.Read<(int id, string name), (int id, string name)>(@"
        actor_id, first_name || ' ' || last_name, 
        film_id, title
        join film_actor using (actor_id)
        join film using (film_id)
    limit 3"))
    WriteLine("Actor: {0}-{1}, Film: {2}-{3}",,,,;
using Norm;

// deconstruction of named tuples
foreach (var (actor, film) in connection.Read<(int id, string name), (int id, string name)>(@"
        actor_id, first_name || ' ' || last_name, 
        film_id, title
        join film_actor using (actor_id)
        join film using (film_id)
    limit 3"))
    WriteLine("Actor: {0}-{1}, Film: {2}-{3}",,,,;
  • That same approach applies when mapping to multiple class instances. Multiple values always yield a tuple:
using Norm;

// deconstruction of class instances
foreach (var (actor, film) in connection.Read<Actor, Film>(@"
        actor_id, first_name || ' ' || last_name, 
        film_id, title
        join film_actor using (actor_id)
        join film using (film_id)
    limit 3"))
    WriteLine("Actor: {0}-{1}, Film: {1}-{2}", actor.Id, actor.Name, film.Id, film.Name);
using Norm;

// deconstruction of class instances
foreach (var (actor, film) in connection.Read<Actor, Film>(@"
        actor_id, first_name || ' ' || last_name, 
        film_id, title
        join film_actor using (actor_id)
        join film using (film_id)
    limit 3"))
    WriteLine("Actor: {0}-{1}, Film: {1}-{2}", actor.Id, actor.Name, film.Id, film.Name);

Global Settings

  • It is possible to modify Norm's default behavior for the entire application by setting the global settings. For example:
using Norm;

NormOptions.Configure(options =>
    options.CommandTimeout = 60;
using Norm;

NormOptions.Configure(options =>
    options.CommandTimeout = 60;
  • This example sets a global option for all commands executed by Norm to have a timeout of 60 seconds.

Important note: NormOptions.Configure call is not thread-safe.

  • NormOptions.Configure call is intended to be executed only once from the application's startup code, typically Startup.cs or Program.cs, before any database command.