Piko ORM
Piko ORM is so, so tiny. It's Piko. The world's tiniest, smallest ORM for .NET.
Works best with PostgreSQL.
using System.Data;
using NpgsqlTypes;
namespace DataAccess;
public static class PikoOrm
public static IEnumerable<T> Read<T>(this NpgsqlConnection connection,
IEnumerable<(object value, DbType? dbType, NpgsqlDbType? npgsqlDbType)> parameters,
string command,
Func<NpgsqlDataReader, T> action)
if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) connection.Open();
using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = command;
foreach(var (value, dbType, npgsqlDbType) in parameters)
var p = cmd.CreateParameter();
p.Value = value ?? DBNull.Value;
if (dbType.HasValue) p.DbType = dbType.Value;
if (npgsqlDbType.HasValue) p.NpgsqlDbType = npgsqlDbType.Value;
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
yield return action(reader);
public static void Execute(this NpgsqlConnection connection, string command)
if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) connection.Open();
using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = command;
public static T Val<T>(this NpgsqlDataReader reader, string name)
var value = reader[name];
return value == DBNull.Value ? default : (T)value;
public static T Val<T>(this NpgsqlDataReader reader, int ordinal)
var value = reader[ordinal];
return value == DBNull.Value ? default : (T)value;
using System.Data;
using NpgsqlTypes;
namespace DataAccess;
public static class PikoOrm
public static IEnumerable<T> Read<T>(this NpgsqlConnection connection,
IEnumerable<(object value, DbType? dbType, NpgsqlDbType? npgsqlDbType)> parameters,
string command,
Func<NpgsqlDataReader, T> action)
if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) connection.Open();
using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = command;
foreach(var (value, dbType, npgsqlDbType) in parameters)
var p = cmd.CreateParameter();
p.Value = value ?? DBNull.Value;
if (dbType.HasValue) p.DbType = dbType.Value;
if (npgsqlDbType.HasValue) p.NpgsqlDbType = npgsqlDbType.Value;
using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
yield return action(reader);
public static void Execute(this NpgsqlConnection connection, string command)
if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) connection.Open();
using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = command;
public static T Val<T>(this NpgsqlDataReader reader, string name)
var value = reader[name];
return value == DBNull.Value ? default : (T)value;
public static T Val<T>(this NpgsqlDataReader reader, int ordinal)
var value = reader[ordinal];
return value == DBNull.Value ? default : (T)value;
Here's a sample usage:
public class Person(int id, string name)
public int Id { get; } = id;
public string Name { get; } = name;
public static IEnumerable<Person> GetAllPeople(this NpgsqlConnection connection)
return connection.Read(
"select id, name from people",
r => new Person(r.Val<int>(0), r.Val<string>(1)));
public static Person GePersonById(this NpgsqlConnection connection, int id)
return connection.Read(
[(id, DbType.Int32, null)],
"select id, name from people where id = $1",
r => new Person(r.Val<int>(0), r.Val<string>(1)))
public class Person(int id, string name)
public int Id { get; } = id;
public string Name { get; } = name;
public static IEnumerable<Person> GetAllPeople(this NpgsqlConnection connection)
return connection.Read(
"select id, name from people",
r => new Person(r.Val<int>(0), r.Val<string>(1)));
public static Person GePersonById(this NpgsqlConnection connection, int id)
return connection.Read(
[(id, DbType.Int32, null)],
"select id, name from people where id = $1",
r => new Person(r.Val<int>(0), r.Val<string>(1)))
Any questions?
Note: PikoORM is AOT ready!
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