XUnit.Npgsql Sample Configuration
"TestSettings": {
// Name of the connection string used for testing.
// This connection string should point to an actual development or test database.
// The real test database is re-created based on this connection string.
// Connection string can be defined in this config file or in the config file defined by the ConfigPath value.
"TestConnection": "DatabaseConnection",
// Path to the external JSON configuration file.
// External configuration is only used to parse the ConnectionStrings section.
// Use this setting to set TestConnection in a different configuration file, so that the connection string doesn't have to be duplicated.
"ConfigPath": "../../../../MyProject/appsettings.Development.json",
// Name of the database recreated on each testing session.
// Database on the server defined by the TestConnection with this name will be created before the first test starts and dropped after the last test ends.
// To make sure that the database with the name doesn't already exist on server a random guid is appended to this name.
// If SkipCreateTestDatabase is set to true, random guid is appended to this name and test database is set to this database name.
"TestDatabaseName": "myapp_test",
// Set to true to skip the creation of the test database.
// The database from the connection string will be used directly and no test database will be created or dropped.
// This doesn't apply to UnitTestsNewDatabaseFromTemplate setting will create and drop new template database from this database on each unit test.
// This settings cannot be combined with TestDatabaseFromTemplate because the you can't create a template database if you choose to skip creating a test database.
"SkipCreateTestDatabase": false,
// If set to true, the test database (defined by TestDatabaseName) - will not be created - but replicated by using database template from a TestConnection.
// Replicated database (using database template) has exactly the same schema and as well as the data as original database.
// If set to false, the test database is created as empty database and, if migrations are applied (if any).
"TestDatabaseFromTemplate": false,
// List of the SQL scripts to be executed in order after the test database has been created and just before the first test starts.
// This can be any SQL script file like migrations, schema, or data dumps.
"UpScripts": [ "../../../../MyProject/Scripts/schema.sql" ],
// List of the SQL scripts to be executed in order before the test database is dropped and after the last is finished.
"DownScripts": [],
// Set this to true to run each test in an isolated transaction.
// Transaction is created before each test starts and rolled back after each test finishes.
"UnitTestsUnderTransaction": true,
// Set this to true to disable constraint checking within the current transaction that runs each test.
// Constraint checking is disabled by executing constraints all deferred for each transaction.
"DisableConstraintCheckingForTransaction": true,
// Set this to true to run each unit test connection in a new and uniquely created database that is created by using a template from the test database.
// New database is created as a template database from a test database before each test starts and dropped after the test finishes.
// That new database will be named the same as the test database plus a new guid.
// This settings cannot be combined with TestDatabaseFromTemplate, UnitTestsUnderTransaction, UpScripts and DownScripts
"UnitTestsNewDatabaseFromTemplate": false
"TestSettings": {
// Name of the connection string used for testing.
// This connection string should point to an actual development or test database.
// The real test database is re-created based on this connection string.
// Connection string can be defined in this config file or in the config file defined by the ConfigPath value.
"TestConnection": "DatabaseConnection",
// Path to the external JSON configuration file.
// External configuration is only used to parse the ConnectionStrings section.
// Use this setting to set TestConnection in a different configuration file, so that the connection string doesn't have to be duplicated.
"ConfigPath": "../../../../MyProject/appsettings.Development.json",
// Name of the database recreated on each testing session.
// Database on the server defined by the TestConnection with this name will be created before the first test starts and dropped after the last test ends.
// To make sure that the database with the name doesn't already exist on server a random guid is appended to this name.
// If SkipCreateTestDatabase is set to true, random guid is appended to this name and test database is set to this database name.
"TestDatabaseName": "myapp_test",
// Set to true to skip the creation of the test database.
// The database from the connection string will be used directly and no test database will be created or dropped.
// This doesn't apply to UnitTestsNewDatabaseFromTemplate setting will create and drop new template database from this database on each unit test.
// This settings cannot be combined with TestDatabaseFromTemplate because the you can't create a template database if you choose to skip creating a test database.
"SkipCreateTestDatabase": false,
// If set to true, the test database (defined by TestDatabaseName) - will not be created - but replicated by using database template from a TestConnection.
// Replicated database (using database template) has exactly the same schema and as well as the data as original database.
// If set to false, the test database is created as empty database and, if migrations are applied (if any).
"TestDatabaseFromTemplate": false,
// List of the SQL scripts to be executed in order after the test database has been created and just before the first test starts.
// This can be any SQL script file like migrations, schema, or data dumps.
"UpScripts": [ "../../../../MyProject/Scripts/schema.sql" ],
// List of the SQL scripts to be executed in order before the test database is dropped and after the last is finished.
"DownScripts": [],
// Set this to true to run each test in an isolated transaction.
// Transaction is created before each test starts and rolled back after each test finishes.
"UnitTestsUnderTransaction": true,
// Set this to true to disable constraint checking within the current transaction that runs each test.
// Constraint checking is disabled by executing constraints all deferred for each transaction.
"DisableConstraintCheckingForTransaction": true,
// Set this to true to run each unit test connection in a new and uniquely created database that is created by using a template from the test database.
// New database is created as a template database from a test database before each test starts and dropped after the test finishes.
// That new database will be named the same as the test database plus a new guid.
// This settings cannot be combined with TestDatabaseFromTemplate, UnitTestsUnderTransaction, UpScripts and DownScripts
"UnitTestsNewDatabaseFromTemplate": false